View the CDC’s list of terms to familiarize yourself with the LGBTQ+ community. Many terms are associated with sexual and gender identities, and terminology continues to evolve. Below are some of the terms currently used by the Division of Adolescent and School Health. This list and the definitions offered may change over time.
View the LGBTQ+ flags and their descriptions at the Human Rights Campaign.
Many definitions were taken from The Queens’ English Dictionary
The sexual, emotional, and romantic attraction a person has toward others.
Sexually attracted to the same sex or gender. Homoromantic would be someone who is romantically attracted to the same sex or gender.
Lesbian: a woman having sexual and emotional attraction towards other women.
Gay: a man having sexual and emotional attraction towards other men. -
having romantic and sexual attraction to two genders. Biromantic is where someone only have the romantic attraction.
Having attraction to people of all genders and sexualities. Panromantic is where someone only have the romantic attraction.
Not experiencing sexual attraction or desire. Abbreviated commonly as ACE.
Lacking romantic attraction towards someone. Sexual attraction may still be present.
To be sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex..
The internal understanding of one’s gender and self. This identity may or may not correlate with their sex assigned at birth and may not be directly connected to their gender expression.
a person who identifies with a gender identity and/or expression that differs from their sex assigned at birth. This term is often used as an umbrella term.
A gender identity that is open to a full spectrum of gender expressions, not limited masculinity and femininity, both or neither.
Expressing one’s gender in a way that does not fit neatly into the gender binary. Often abbreviated to GNC.
Not identifying with the conventional labels of male or female. This person may relate to both sexes, express gender ambiguity, or refrain from expressing any gender at all.
Not confined to a fixed gender expression or presentation.
Not identifying with any gender. The terms nongender, and genderless can also be used.
A person who identifies as two genders (not limited to the gender binary)—a combination of male, female, and/or another gender identity.
(adj) Born with variations on sex characteristics that would traditionally assign a child male or female. Variations may include genital ambiguity and/or combinations of the chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotypes other than XY-male and XX-female.
Describing a person whose gender identity aligns with their sex assigned at birth.
Outward characteristics—such as appearance, behaviors, and attitudes—that communicate a persona’s identity to society.
The adjective version of the word Androgyny: A display of both masculine and feminine qualities.
a queer person whose appearance is feminine.
a queer person whose appearance is masculine.
An all encompassing term used to describe one self under the LGBTQ+ Spectrum. This can be to some individuals, a gender identity, a sexuality, or a gender expression. A term used to classify as LGBTQ.
Taking notice of someone or something. Often reading someone’s appearance and making an assumption that they’re clearly a certain gender identity.
Openly LGBTQIA+. When going to events its nice to ask your lgbtq friend if they are out or not. If they are not the might ask you to refer to them differently around others.
To out, or outing: Revealing someone’s gender identity or sexual orientation to someone who they did not come out to already.
The former name of a transgender, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming person who has changed their name to affirm their gender identity.
Exposing somoene’s personal and/or confidential information online without permission.
Usually describing a ransgender person moving through day-to-day life without revealing that they are trans, passing as cisgender. This person makes a deliberate choice to not disclose their gender identity.
A belief that people are given specific gendered roles within a societal binary and that these roles, along with heterosexuality, are automatically assumed as the norm.
An abbreviation for “Cisgender Heterosexual”. Sometimes used in derogatory ways by the lgbtqia+ community.
An acronym for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist: a feminist who excludes trans women from their brand of feminism.
Abbreviation for “Assigned Male at Birth”. Rather than saying “she was born a boy”, you might say “they are AMAB.”
Abbreviation for “Assigned Female at Birth”. Rather than saying “he was born a girl”, you might say “he was AMAB.”
To pursue affirming one's internal gender identity and external gender expression.
A profound and intense dissatisfaction with one’s physical and/or mental state, caused by discrepancies between one’s gender identity and sex assigned at birth.
In the trans and nonbinary community, folk use Euphoria as an exact opposite of Dysphoria. Cishet people might find Euphoria to be more intense feelings other than putting on a dress and feeling nice, or someone calling you the right pronoun but for the trans community it is everything.
The enforced societal system of male and female gender identities -- two distinct identities that each come with a set of expected gendered roles.
HRT stands for Hormone-Replacement-Therapy. They are medical treatments where doses of hormones are administered to assist in affirming one’s gender identity. Trans and nonbinary folk use hrt to develop features that are masculine or feminine. T stands for Testosterone hormones, and E stands for estrogen hormones.
Medicine often taken by trans and nonbinary folk to prevent puberty from starting. The medicine disrupts the growth of body hair, menstruation, deepening of voice, etc.
A very dated, problematic term used for intersex individuals.
A commonly used acronym for the transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming communities.